Minnesota Valley's website contains links to sources outside the Credit Union that we believe are useful to visitors and members. Once you are linked to another site, you are subject to the new site's privacy policy and terms of use. Minnesota Valley is not responsible for the content presented within the websites below.

Credit Union Links
National Credit Union Administration
This federal agency supervises and insures credit unions. The NCUA website contains credit union data (reported quarterly by law), and recent legal rulings mandated by the agency. The site also contains an INSURANCE ESTIMATOR to help you determine insurance coverage protection.
To learn more about credit union's visit NCUA's MYCREDITUNION.GOV page.
Better Business Bureau (BBB)
This website contains online shopping tips, a searchable database of company reports and more. Before you use that tree-trimming service or buy online, check out the BBB first.
Consumer Reports
The Consumer Reports site contains a wealth of useful information for consumers
Turbo Tax
If you use TURBO TAX to complete your taxes you can file your taxes and get a disount just for being an MVFCU member.
Credit Union National Association (CUNA)
The national trade association for credit unions, CUNA is a terrific resource for free information regarding a variety of financial matters.
Credit Union Times
The Credit Union Times is a weekly independent report on credit unions. Now you can read the hottest industry news on their website, for free!
Minnesota Credit Union Network
The Minnesota Credit Union Network is a statewide trade association serving the needs and interests of credit unions located throughout the state. The Network provides access to products and services, ensuring that Minnesota credit unions have the best financial options for their members. is brought to you by the Office of Consumer Protection and the National Credit Union Administration. On this site, you will find more information on what credit unions can do for you. also has a great Consumer Assistance Center.
Federal Trade Commission
Learn important tips on how to safeguard your identity and what to do if your identity is stolen. Click here.