You can protect yourself from scams by knowing what to look out for. Fraud and scams can happen at anytime and being prepared is the best way to prevent them. Learn what to watch for and keep yourself, loved ones and money protected. Contact us immediately if you feel that someone is trying scam you or if you are a victim of fraud. Realizing that you have fallen victim to a scam can be overwhelming. Have peace of mind knowing that we are here to help the entire way. It’s important to take action immediately to prevent more fraud. Now more than ever, you should be in the habit of checking your online banking account activity on a routine basis.

Tips, Tricks & Signs for Scams
- Huge discounts on items are a sign that something is a scam.
- Look at the email address that an email is coming from. Does it look like a business email?
- Do not believe your caller ID. Scammers can make it look like they are calling from an official number.
- Do not assume that a website is safe because it shows that it is protected and secure.
- Do not click on any links, especially in an unsolicited email.
- Spelling errors or bad grammar are a red flag to fraud
- Be cautious of urgent calls to action. Scammers want you to act immediately to avoid a penalty.
- Never share your account information with anyone.

Password Guidelines
- Do not reuse passwords
- Create passwords that are lengthy and complex using uppercase letters, numbers and symbols
- Change passwords often
- Consider purposely spelling a word wrong within your password.
- Example: Dayzee instead of Daisy
- Try not to make your passwords personal